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Dwarven smiths are the builders of Dwarven society - forging the weapons and armor for their clans as well as many new devices and magical artifacts. -Dwarven Smiths of the Muirthemne, Cast of Characters, Myth III Manual


Also known as the Dwarven Smiths of Muirthemne, the Dwarven Smiths once served as engineers for both their Dwarven clans and the Cath Bruig Empire. Led by the Forgemaster Traval, they were best known for constructing the Tain that trapped the Myrkridia, forging the SunHammer that melted the cities of the Trow, and putting an end to the Spider Cult.


In combat, these Dwarves can utilized a special concoction to shoot out a mini flamethrower. Their fire is capable of burning a small group of enemies into a cinder.

Flavor Text[]

Myth III Dwarf Smith Icon

"...of the Dwarven pantheon, the Smiths worship three gods in unison. Hromundr god of the Forge, who smelts metal and makes hammers strike soundly. Steinolf god of Travel, who expands awareness with commerce and the meeting of other cultures. Finnur goddess of Thought, who is the spark of creativity and speaks to her children through their curiosity..."

" the sanctum of the Myrgard forge, the statue of Finnur stands amongst dozens of crammed bookshelves and parchment cluttered tables. In the books lining the shelves is transcribed every invention and idea thought of by the Dwarven race since the beginning of time. The smiths come to this shrine to meditate, design, construct, or research the thoughts of the Ancestors for ideas..."

Notable Individuals:[]

Traval: Dwarf Forgemaster who aided Connacht during the the Wind Age.

Common Names[]

'feigr, Agnarr, Aleifr, Alfrim, Amundi, Ansgar, Ardgar, Arngrim, Asolf, Asvald, Athulf, Audun, Baard, Balki, Beinir, Bergthor, Birning, Bjarnar, Bjornolf, Bolverk, Borolf, Bragi, Brondolf, Bui, Domarr, Durin, Egil, Eilaf, Einar, Endridi, Eyjolf, Eyvald, Finnleik, Fornjot, Fridgeir, Frodi, Gardi, Geitir, Gorm, Grimolf, Gudrik, Gungnir, Gunnulf, Haddli, Hafgrim, Haldan, Hasvir, Helfdan, Herulf, Horic, Hrymr, Ingimund, Ingvar, Isleif, Ivak, Iwar, Johar, Kadal, Ketilbjorn, Kjotvi, Kolan, Kolskegg, Leidolf, Lifolf, Lodmund, Mani, Margad, Melsnati, Modolf, Mugin, Nari, Oddleif, Odward, Ohtor, Olaf, Onund, Ordulf, Otrygg, Pallin, Radbard, Ragi, Runolf, Sigrod, Skorri, Steingrim, Storolf, Svadi, Thjodolf, Thrand, Tjorvi, Tryggvi, Ulffir, Vali, Vegeir, Yngvar, Yrling
